The Longue Durée and World-Systems Analysis

The Longue Durée and World-Systems Analysis


Editor: Richard E. Lee

Contributing author: Eric Mielants


Document Type



Eric Mielants is a contributing author, "Long Term Problems for the Longue Durée in the Social Sciences," p. 201-224.

Book description: In his pathbreaking article “History and the Social Sciences: The Longue Durée,” Fernand Braudel raised a call for the social sciences to overcome their disciplinary isolation from one another. Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the article’s publication, the contributors to this volume do not just acknowledge their debt to the past; they also bear witness to how the crisis Braudel recognized a half century ago is no less of a crisis today. The contributions included here, from scholars in history, sociology, and geography, reflect the spirit and practice of the intellectual agenda espoused by Braudel, coming together around the concept of the longue durée. Indeed, they are evidence of how the groundbreaking research originally championed by Braudel has been carried forward in world-systems analysis for a more socially relevant understanding of the planet and its future possibilities. The book concludes with a new translation of Braudel’s original article by famed sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Mielants, Eric. “Long Term Problems for the Longue Durée in the Social Sciences” in Richard E. Lee (ed.) The Longue Durée and World-Systems Analysis, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2012, p. 201-224


Copyright 2012 State University of New York Press.

The Longue Durée and World-Systems Analysis
