Overcoming the Two Cultures: Science versus the Humanities in the Modern World-System

Overcoming the Two Cultures: Science versus the Humanities in the Modern World-System


Co-editors: Richard E. Lee, Immanuel Wallerstein

Contributing author: Eric Mielants


Document Type



Eric Mielants is a contributing author, "Reaction and Resistance: The Natural Sciences and the Humanities (1789-1945)," p. 34-54.

Book description: This book tells the story of how the very idea of 'two cultures' - the so-called divorce between science and the humanities - was a creation of the modern world-system that was consolidated in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by the establishment of the faculties and disciplines of the modern university system.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Mielants, Eric. “Reaction and Resistance: The Natural Sciences and the Humanities (1789-1945)” in Richard E. Lee & Immanuel Wallerstein (eds.) Overcoming the Two Cultures: Science versus the Humanities in the Modern World-System, Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press, 2004, p. 34-54.


Copyright 2004 Paradigm Press.

[A Turkish translation of this essay was published as “Tepki ve Direniş: Doğa Bilimleri ve Beşeri Bilimler, 1789-1945” in Immanuel Wallerstein & Richard Lee (eds.) Iki Kültüru Aşmak. Modern Dünya Sisteminde Fen Bilimleri ile Beşeri Bilimler Ayrılığı, Istanbul, Metis Books, 2007, p. 50-76.]

Overcoming the Two Cultures: Science versus the Humanities in the Modern World-System
