The Long-term Historical Development of Racist Tendencies within the Political and Social Context of Belgium

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In this article the author provides a brief overview of the immigrant population in Belgium as well as an in-depth analysis of political developments in that country. This background forms the context for interpreting the electoral successes of the xenophobic far-right, as well as the public policies and mainstream social science research relating to the ‘integration’ of minorities. Based on an analysis of both Dutch and French sources, examples of everyday racism are provided and critical questions are raised regarding the different policies in the northern and southern parts of the country.


Copyright 2006 Sage

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Publication Title

International Journal of Comparative Sociology

Published Citation

Mielants, Eric. “The Long-term Historical Development of Racist Tendencies within the Political and Social Context of Belgium” in International Journal of Comparative Sociology, August 2006, Vol. 47 (3-4), p. 313-334. doi:10.1177/0020715206065786



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