Book Review: “Globalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic Practices,” Review of Globalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic Practices by Ulrike Schuerkens
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Publication Title
Journal of World-Systems Research
Repository Citation
Mielants, Eric, "Book Review: “Globalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic Practices,” Review of Globalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic Practices by Ulrike Schuerkens" (2010). Sociology & Anthropology Faculty Publications. 93.
Published Citation
Mielants, Eric. Book Review: “Globalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic Practices,” Review of Globalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic Practices by Ulrike Schuerkens. Journal of World-Systems Research, 2010, Vol. XVI, (2), pp. 315-317.
Copyright 2010 American Sociological Association
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