Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship
True global citizenship must be found at all levels of human interaction. Individuals should be constantly evaluative of their own lives, government, and world, so as to allow for necessary change and not become preoccupied with apparently fixed ideals. Families and schools should help to foster an environment of broad, open, inclusive thinking to promote a world of interconnected individuals. Communities should hold town hall-style meetings, and local governments should bring in outside opinions. Governments should include personal stories from a diverse group to add perspective and keep debates grounded in real, current issues. On the national level, there should be equal rights for all, and society should embrace both similarities and differences, since we discover common ground in our similarities and learn from our differences. Through all of these different levels, there should be a universally accepted value in the common good that serves to promote the best life for all.
Recommended Citation
Smith, Melanie
"The Levels of Global Citizenship,"
Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship: Vol. 1:
2, Article 1.
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