
Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship

Volume 1, Issue 2 (2012)

Welcome to the second annual issue of Fairfield University’s Undergraduate Student Journal of Global Citizenship! The e-journal is a collaborative effort between undergraduate students and faculty editors through the International Studies Program at Fairfield University. Our e-journal seeks to display outstanding academic work of undergraduate students from across North America. As the title of the journal suggests, each paper focuses on some aspect of global citizenship — on topics such as fair trade issues, human rights and other pertinent cultural issues. The subject matter of these papers spans several regions of the world and have been submitted by undergraduates from several different universities who combined research from at home and abroad to produce a wide range of poignant papers. After two rounds of editing from the student editorial team and faculty editorial board, we present six outstanding papers for the second issue.

Kimberly Ruoff '12
Meghan Healy '12
