


Consumption of Different Egg-Based Diets Impacts Body Composition in Young Healthy Adults, Julia Greco, Courtney Campbell, Allison Sloan, Dominka Mis, Christa Esposito, and Catherine J. Andersen



CEO-to-Employee Pay Ratio and CEO Diversity, Nazli Sila Alan, Katsiaryna Salavei Bardos, and Natalya Y. Shelkova


An Exploration of Bank Confirmation Process Automation: A Longitudinal Study, Paul Caster, Randal J. Elder, and Diane J. Janvrin


Superior–Subordinate Aggressive Communication Among Catholic Priests and Sisters in the United States, Rebecca M. Chory, Sean M. Horan, and Peter JC Raposo


Intrauterine Devices in the Context of Gonococcal Infection, Chlamydial Infection, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Not Mutually Exclusive, Christa Esposito


Maintaining Clinical Continuity Through Virtual Simulation During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christa Esposito and Kelly Sullivan


Film Review: A Media Voz [In a Whisper], Dirs. Heidi Hassan and Patricia Pérez Fernández, Michelle Leigh Farrell


Cross-Sectional Equity Correlations and the Value of Active Management, Gregg S. Fisher, Michael B. McDonald, and Steven E. Kozlowski


Al-Bashir didn’t start the fire. Diversity, low contestedness, and the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Lucrecia García Iommi


Norm internalisation revisited: Norm contestation and the life of norms at the extreme of the norm cascade, Lucrecia García Iommi


Whose justice? The ICC ‘Africa problem’, Lucrecia García Iommi


The eyes have it: Using eye-tracking to evaluate a library website, Lindsay Guarnieri, Tracey Kry, and Emily Porter-Fyke


Nurses’ Resilience Levels and the Effects of Workplace Violence on Patient Care, Lauren Hollywood and Kathryn Phillips


Xenophobia in Spite of Citizenship: Seasonal Migrant Workers in Brazil, Terry-Ann Jones


Responding to Current Field Experience Challenges with the Virtualization of Number Talks, Candace Joswick, Audrey Meador, Nicole Fletcher, Kimberly Conner, and Brandon McMillan


Examining the asymmetric monetary policy response to foreign exchange market conditions in emerging and developing economies, Helena Keefe and Hedieh Shadmani


Cryptocurrency return reversals, Steven E. Kozlowski, Michael R. Puleo, and Jizhou Zhou


The Fidelity® Family of Funds –PEGY Estimation, Doug Lyon


The Vanguard Fund Report, Doug Lyon


Detection of Cardiovascular CRP Protein Biomarker Using a Novel Nanofibrous Substrate, Isaac Macwan, Ashish Aphale, Prathamesh Bhagvath, Shalini Prasad, and Prabir K. Patra


Transition Opportunities for Post-Secondary Success (TOPS): A Pilot Program for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alyson Martin and Emily Shamash


Product Design Matters, But Is It Enough? Consumers’ Responses to Product Design and Environment Congruence, Ehsan Naderi, Iman Naderi, and Bimal Balakrishnan


Book Review: "Speaking Qur’an: An American Scripture" By Timur R.Yuskaev, Martin Nguyen


Faith-Rooted Thinking on Matters of Public Concern: A Muslim Response to William L. Sachs, Martin Nguyen


Naming Resistance and Religion in the Teaching of Race and White Supremacy: A Pedagogy of Counter-Signification for Black Lives Matter, Martin Nguyen


A Comparison of Online and In-Person Counseling Outcomes Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for College Students with Anxiety, Jocelyn Novella, Kok-mun Ng, and Jessica Samuolis


Emotion Regulation Contagion: Stress Reappraisal Promotes Challenge Responses in Teammates, Christopher Oveis, Yumeng Gu, Joseph M. Ocampo, Emily J. Hangen, and Jeremy P. Jamieson


Helping Community Partners Build Capacity within Integrated Behavioral Health: A Call to Action for Social Work Education, Nora Padykula, Julie Berrett-Abebe, and Terri J. Haven


Nursing Student Interprofessional Simulation Increases Empathy and Improves Attitudes on Poverty, Kathryn Phillips, Anka Roberto, Sandra Salmon, and Valerie Smalley


Analysis of very-high surface area 3D-printed media in a moving bed biofilm reactor for wastewater treatment, Gabriel Proano-Pena, Andres L. Carrano, and David M. Blersch


Recognizing Victims of a Hidden Crime: Human Trafficking Victims in Your Pediatric Trauma Bay, Linda Roney and Caitlin Villano


Corporate Social Responsibility, Product Market Perception, and Firm Value, Katsiaryna Salavei Bardos, Mine Ertugrul, and Lucia Gao


Dei Verbum: Scripture, Tradition, and Historical Criticism, John E. Thiel


The restraint chair: A qualitative study of nurses' experience with the restraint chair versus four point restraint, Nicole Visaggio, Kathryn Phillips, Sharon Milne, Jeanne McElhinney, and Scott C. Young


Light scattering as a Poisson process and first-passage probability, Claude Zeller and Robert Cordery


Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Franchise Businesses, Mohammadali Zolfagharian and Iman Naderi


Aristotle on the Concept of Shared Life, Sara Brill

Sugarcane Labor Migration in Brazil, Terry-Ann Jones

Economic Cycles and Social Movements: Past, Present and Future, Eric Mielants and Katsiaryna Salavei Bardos

Japanese American Internment: Prisoners in Their Own Land, Steven Otfinoski

The Battle of Iwo Jima: Turning The Tide of War in the Pacific, Steven Otfinoski

Understanding Health Care in America: Culture, Capitalism, and Communication, Michael Pagano

Creolizing the Nation, Kris Sealey

Breaking Down Silos for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI): Teaching and Collaboration across Disciplines, Stephanie Storms, Sarah K. Donovan, Theodora P. Williams, Erica E. Hartwell, Kirsten Cole, Ruth L. Greene, Ophelie Rowe-Allen, and Ryan P. Colwell

Teaching through Challenges for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), Stephanie Storms, Sarah K. Donovan, Theodora P. Williams, Jay Rozgonyi, Betsy Bowen, Paula Gill Lopez, and Stephaney Morrison

Book Contributions

Power: Divine and Human - Christian and Muslim Perspectives, Lucinda Mosher, David Marshall, and Martin Nguyen

Multi-Religious Perspectives on a Global Ethic: In Search of a Common Morality, Myriam Reynaud, William Schweiker, and Martin Nguyen

The Oxford Handbook of Qur'anic Studies, Mustafa Shah, M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, and Martin Nguyen

Exploring Online Learning Through Synchronous and Asynchronous Instructional Methods, Cynthia Mary Sistek-Chandler and Joshua C. Elliott

Handbook of Wise Interventions: How Social Psychology Can Help People Change, Gregory M. Walton, Alia J. Crum, Jeremy P. Jamieson, and Emily J. Hangen

Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Todd K. Shackelford, Emily J. Hangen, and Andrew J. Elliot

Digital Scholarship Projects


The Vincent J. Rosivach Register of Slaves in Fairfield, Connecticut, Vincent J. Rosivach, Giovanni Ruffini, Alec Lurie, and Olivia McEvoy

Fiction Prose


Maybe, Susan Bartos

News Articles


Why New York will get through this: We will survive the coronavirus pandemic because of our people, Richard Greenwald


The Provost’s Job Is Actually a Great Gig (Really), Christine Siegel



The Holding Place, Tanika Eaves and Denise L. Webb


Becoming a Midwife, Jenna A. LoGiudice PhD, CNM, RN, FACNM


Faith, Christa Palancia Esposito


I brushed my mother's hair, Gina Petersen

Technical Reports


trans-Diaquabis(N,N,N'-trimethylethylenediamine)- nickel(II) dichloride, John R. Miecznikowski, Jerry P. Jasinski, Nicole F. Flaherty, Emma E. Mircovich, Allison N. Smolinsky, and Natalia R. Bertolotti



Santa y Teresa: A Walking Dialogue between two Cuban Characters, Michelle Farrell