Sports as an Agent of Social Change

Presenter Information

William Stargard, Pine Manor College


DSB 108

Start Date

29-5-2015 2:45 PM

End Date

29-5-2015 3:40 PM

Session Type

Interactive Session


This session is based on a course that I am currently teaching at Pine Manor College, Leadership in Action: Using Sports to Achieve Social Change (Note: The course ends on May 1, 2015). The course enables college students to examine how sports can help create positive changes for both individuals and society as a whole. For their service learning project, my students will be designing and implementing a series of activities and reflective exercises (incorporating motivational sports slides with words and/or images) for middle school students in an after-school program at the Boys and Girls Club in Boston. The service learning project is intended to benefit the Boys and Girls Club students through their experience and appreciation of sports as well as my students in their roles as facilitators of social change. My session is directly connected to the theme of collaboration leading to empowerment and learning.

Topic Designation

Community-engaged teaching and scholarship, Teaching & Learning

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May 29th, 2:45 PM May 29th, 3:40 PM

Sports as an Agent of Social Change

DSB 108

This session is based on a course that I am currently teaching at Pine Manor College, Leadership in Action: Using Sports to Achieve Social Change (Note: The course ends on May 1, 2015). The course enables college students to examine how sports can help create positive changes for both individuals and society as a whole. For their service learning project, my students will be designing and implementing a series of activities and reflective exercises (incorporating motivational sports slides with words and/or images) for middle school students in an after-school program at the Boys and Girls Club in Boston. The service learning project is intended to benefit the Boys and Girls Club students through their experience and appreciation of sports as well as my students in their roles as facilitators of social change. My session is directly connected to the theme of collaboration leading to empowerment and learning.