Student Faculty Collaboration in Organic Chemistry Course Based Research

Presenter Information

Kevin M. Shea, Smith College


DSB 112

Start Date

29-5-2015 2:45 PM

End Date

29-5-2015 3:40 PM

Session Type

Interactive Session


This session will highlight the use of course-based research in the lab portion of Organic Chemistry II. We will describe the origins of the research idea as an undergraduate thesis in biology, its adaptation into a research project for 16 students in Organic II, and its current status as an undergraduate thesis project in chemistry. We will explore the scientific outcomes of the investigation and the extended student-faculty collaborations over two departments, two thesis students and 16 teaching-lab students. Comparative data between regular and research-based lab students will be presented.

Session Prezi presentation can be accessed online at:

Topic Designation

Teaching & Learning

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May 29th, 2:45 PM May 29th, 3:40 PM

Student Faculty Collaboration in Organic Chemistry Course Based Research

DSB 112

This session will highlight the use of course-based research in the lab portion of Organic Chemistry II. We will describe the origins of the research idea as an undergraduate thesis in biology, its adaptation into a research project for 16 students in Organic II, and its current status as an undergraduate thesis project in chemistry. We will explore the scientific outcomes of the investigation and the extended student-faculty collaborations over two departments, two thesis students and 16 teaching-lab students. Comparative data between regular and research-based lab students will be presented.

Session Prezi presentation can be accessed online at: