Exploring emotion in teaching: Emotional labor, burnout, and satisfaction in Chinese higher education

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The current study was designed to examine the emotional labor of Chinese college instructors and its effects on teacher burnout and satisfaction. Four major findings were drawn: (a) of the three dimensions of emotional labor, Chinese college instructors engaged in deep acting the most and surface acting the least; (b) surface acting had deleterious effects on teacher burnout and satisfaction, but deep acting and authenticity had positive effects; (c) the three dimensions of emotional labor differed in magnitude as predictors of teacher burnout and satisfaction; and (d) both the emotional labor scale and the burnout scale conformed to the three-factor model with a Chinese sample.


Copyright 2008 Taylor and Francis

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Publication Title

Communication Education

Published Citation

Zhang, Qin & Zhu, Weihong. (2008). "Exploring emotion in teaching: Emotional labor, burnout, and satisfaction in Chinese higher education." Communication Education, 57(1), 105-122.


