How Does Teacher Clarity Affect Student Learning? A Multi-Cultural Test for the Mediated Effect
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The purpose of this study was to test for the mediation of affective learning and motivation in the effect of teacher clarity on student cognitive learning in U.S., Chinese, German, and Japanese classrooms. Participants included 695 college students from the four cultures. The results of structural equation modeling suggested full mediation for affective learning and motivation in the clarity-learning relationship. Teacher clarity had only indirect effect on student cognitive learning mediated through affective learning and motivation consecutively. Teacher clarity first increased student affective learning, which then affected motivation, which in turn influenced cognitive learning.
Publication Title
Texas Speech Communication Journal
Repository Citation
Zhang, Qin and Huang, Baohua, "How Does Teacher Clarity Affect Student Learning? A Multi-Cultural Test for the Mediated Effect" (2008). Communication Faculty Publications. 58.
Published Citation
Zhang, Qin, and Baohua Huang. "How Does Teacher Clarity Affect Student Learning? A Multi-Cultural Test for the Mediated Effect." Texas Speech Communication Journal 33.1 (2008).
Copyright 2008 Texas Speech Communication Association
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