About the DH Hub | Digital Humanities @ Fairfield University | Fairfield University Research | DigitalCommons@Fairfield

About the Digital Humanities Collection

When we think of digital work at the university, we sometimes focus more on the digital and less on the humanities. The Digital Humanities Collection shines the spotlight specifically on the digital work that’s being done in humanities disciplines. This site brings together and make available all the various projects that faculty (individually and with students) are currently doing in all the Humanities departments of the College of Arts and Sciences. We hope it will also inspire others to start projects.

The Humanities departments at Fairfield have made a commitment to exploring and using as fully as possible all emerging tools that aid in digital humanities – both in faculty research and in classroom and pedagogical applications. We believe that our faculty and students need to use the best available tools to present ourselves and our work to the world. We believe that if the humanities are to thrive, we have to present our work in ways that will be persuasive to the largest possible audience, rather than only to a narrow circle of our peers. We believe that if our students are to succeed, they too will need these tools, so that they will be equipped with the technical abilities that the current workplace requires; and we believe that they also need a deep grounding in critical interrogation of the platforms available to us for presenting what we write and think. The medium shapes our message, and we and our students must ponder deeply what media we use in our work, and for what ends. These assumptions ground our work.

Digital Humanities Consortium

This consortium of faculty representatives from across the humanities is charged with promoting digital humanities coursework and scholarship and with developing a digital humanities curriculum. It understands digital humanities to be the employment of technology to enhance or create modes of cultural, philosophical, historical, and linguistic inquiry.

Shannon Kelley, Associate Professor of English and Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Sara Diaz, Associate Professor of Italian Studies, Modern Languages & Literatures

Consortium Membership
Betsy Bowen, Professor of English
Michelle Farrell, Chair and Associate Professor of Spanish, Modern Languages & Literatures
Sonya Huber, Professor of English
Daniel Libatique, The Vincent J. Rosivach Assistant Professor of Classical Studies
Silvia Marsans-Sakly, Associate Professor of the Practice, History
Elizabeth Petrino, Professor of English