Pedagogy | Digital Humanities @ Fairfield University | Fairfield University Research | DigitalCommons@Fairfield

Digital Humanities & Pedagogy

Digital humanities for students in the classroom

Students of the humanities produce, curate, and communicate through an ever-changing array of online and digital platforms to produce a new way of analyzing literature or writing. Dialogue with professors and peers focuses students on the search for meaningful questions and sites of inquiry in this digital space; prompts students to reflect upon the implications of digital communication; and encourages them to integrate multiple modes of composition in their creative expression and scholarship. We expect that students will engage in projects that ask them to produce, curate, and interact with and through digital media—blogs, hypertext, internet, wiki, photo-essays and the like—to analyze literature and writing. Reflection is an important part of students’ work as they use digital formats to explore the deep questions of the humanities. The knowledge and skills that students gain through DH work not only assist them in their work as students but also prepare them for the writing they will do in internships and after graduation.

Through their digital work, our majors can:

  • employ digital tools for textual analysis
  • select an appropriate digital format for a particular audience and purpose
  • create and critique digital elements of a text
  • understand ethical issues (such as intellectual property, ownership, and privacy) as they relate to digital texts.