Development and validation of the Corrective Feedback Self-Efficacy Instrument
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The authors present the Corrective Feedback Self-Efficacy Instrument (CFSI), which measures counselor trainees' self-efficacy for giving corrective feedback in counselor training groups. The CFSI consists of 16 Likert-type scale items in 2 factors: therapeutic efficacy and fears efficacy. The CFSI was developed through a process of replicated factor analysis. Convergent and discriminant validity of factor and total CFSI scores were investigated. Reliability of the CFSI also was established. Uses of the CFSI to increase awareness of counselor trainees' self-efficacy and to plan instruction in counselor training are discussed.
Publication Title
Journal for Specialists in Group Work
Repository Citation
Page, Betsy J. and Hulse, Diana, "Development and validation of the Corrective Feedback Self-Efficacy Instrument" (1999). School of Education and Human Development Faculty Publications. 60.
Published Citation
Page, Betsy J., & Hulse-Killacky, Diana (1999). Development and validation of the Corrective Feedback Self-Efficacy Instrument. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 24(1), 27-36
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 1999 Taylor and Francis
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