Early intervention in reading: Results of a screening and intervention program for kindergarten students
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Kindergarten students were selected for participation in a reading intervention program on the basis of their ability to name the letters of the alphabet. The intervention consisted of 1:2 tutoring for 30 min per day for two 10-wk periods using an interactive strategies approach that emphasized direct instruction in the alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness, analyzing words, learning sight words and reading connected text. A treatment group consistently outperformed a "waiting group" control, which also showed accelerated progress upon receiving the intervention. A 2 yr longitudinal follow up of this kindergarten cohort indicated lower rates of placement in special education.
Publication Title
School Psychology Review
Repository Citation
Lennon, James E. and Siegel, Christine, "Early intervention in reading: Results of a screening and intervention program for kindergarten students" (1999). School of Education and Human Development Faculty Publications. 161.
Published Citation
Lennon, J. E., & Slesinski, C. (1999). Early intervention in reading: Results of a screening and intervention program for kindergarten students. School Psychology Review, 28(3), 353.
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 1999 National Association of School Psychologists
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