Visual conceptualizations of meetings: A group work design
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This article highlights the need for balance between content and process in task / work groups A conceptual model with visual maps depicting an ideal meeting of a task / work group is presented along with four scenarios in which the balance between content and process fails to occur. Implications of balance and imbalance between content and process in groups, especially meetings, are discussed.
Publication Title
Journal for Specialists in Group Work
Repository Citation
Hulse, Diana; Kraus, Kurt L.; and Schmacher, Rebecca A., "Visual conceptualizations of meetings: A group work design" (1999). School of Education and Human Development Faculty Publications. 61.
Published Citation
Hulse-Killacky, Diana, Kraus, Kurt.L., & Schumacher, Rebecca A. (1999). Visual conceptualizations of meetings: A group work design. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 24(1), 113-124
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 1999 Taylor and Francis
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