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The records of the Bridgeport Engineering Institute (BEI) contain papers and records from the school’s beginning in 1924 until 1994 when it merged with Fairfield University and would eventually become its School of Engineering. Comprised primarily of print-based material, there are also numerous identified and unidentified photographs, limited A/V material, and some memorabilia. The print-based materials include administrative files, course catalogs, newsletters, and records of the alumni association.
25 linear feet
Legacy collection from BEI/SOE extant as of 2003; later accruals of BEI material from SOE in 2014.
Processed By
Jennifer Mottolese
Last Updated
Finding Aid
Fairfield University
Place of Publication
Fairfield, Conn.
Finding Aids
Fairfield University Archives and Special Collections
Fairfield University reserves all rights to this resource which is provided here for educational and/or non-commercial purposes only.
Recommended Citation
Records of the Bridgeport Engineering Institute (BEI) 1924-1994, 1924-1994. Finding Aids, Fairfield University Archives and Special Collections. Fairfield, Conn.

The Bridgeport Engineering Institute (BEI) opened in 1924, offering a four-year evening course of study on the fundamentals of mechanical engineering to part-time, evening students. Local industry leaders with practical field experience served as instructors. BEI was a tuition-driven institution that never owned property; instead, they rented classroom and lab space in various local high schools and factories. During WWII, BEI participated in the Engineering, Science, and Management War Training (ESMWT) program, offering college-level coursework to over 6000 men and women in Fairfield County over the course of four years. BEI grew steadily over the years and reached its peak enrollment in 1981 with 1000 students. In 1994, Fairfield University acquired BEI as the foundation for its School of Engineering.