EJournal Management and Access

EJournal Management and Access


Editor - Wayne Jones

Contributing authors - Krista Reichard, Brent Mai, and Judy Anderson


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Brent Mai (with Krista M. Reichard and Judy Anderson) is a contributing author, "E-Journal Management in the Small Academic Library", pp. 303-315.

Book description: The proliferation of e-journals and their impact on library collections is tremendous. E-Journals Access and Management takes a comprehensive look at how e-journals have changed the library landscape and offers librarians strategies to better manage them. This useful resource provides a broad overview of the practical and theoretical issues associated with the management of electronic journals, and contains practical and illuminating case studies of problems faced and solutions found in individual libraries. Containing chapters by respected authorities on this dynamic topic of debate, E-Journals Access and Management presents vital information on a full range of issues dealing with electronic resource access and management, including bibliographic and web access, acquisitions, and licensing.



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Copyright 2009 Routledge-Taylor and Francis

Publication Information

Reichard, Krista; Mai, Brent; and Anderson, Judy. “E-Journal Management in the Small Academic Library” in EJournal Management and Access, Wayne Jones, ed. (New York: Routledge, 2009): 303-315. 9780789033857

EJournal Management and Access
