Most Recent Additions
Collection on Fairfield University Buildings & Physical Plant
Fairfield University; Eggers and Higgins Architects; Rev. William C. McInnes, S.J.; J. Gerald Phelan; Rev. Francis A. Small, S.J.; and Taylor, Lieberfeld and Heldman, Inc.
Records of the Fairfield Prep/Fairfield University Treasurer’s Office
Rev. Harry L. Huss, S.J.
Records of the Program in Applied Ethics
Lisa H. Newton
Introducción. Generación Hijes: memoria, posdictadura y posconflicto en América Latina
Carolina Añón Suárez and Ana Forcinito
Cuentan las pibas: Narrativas infanto-juveniles de la generación posdictadura en Argentina
Carolina Añón Suárez
En caída libre: Lola Arias y otras performances futurísticas de la generación posdictadura
Carolina Añón Suárez
“Beyond the Stacks” Vol. 5, Issue 1, Summer/Fall 2024
DiMenna-Nyselius Library
Responding to Current Field Experience Challenges with the Virtualization of Number Talks
Candace Joswick, Audrey Meador, Nicole Fletcher, Kimberly Conner, and Brandon McMillan
Mathematical Modeling Handbook II : The Assessments
Nicole Fletcher, A Velamur, B Waid, and A Dimacali
Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Obesity: A Statistical Inquiry into Latina/o Youth
Risto Marttinen, Laura Vernikoff, Sharon Phillips, and Nicole Fletcher
Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Audrey Meador and Nicole Fletcher
Incorporating the Common Core’s Problem Solving Standard for Mathematical Practice into an Early Elementary Inclusive Classroom
Nicole Fletcher
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education Topic Study Group 1: Mathematics Education at Preschool Level
Nicole Fletcher, Diego Luna Bazaldua, and Herbert P. Ginsburg
Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Reflection on Teacher Training in Rural Uganda
Peter Garrity and Nicole Fletcher
Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Nicole Fletcher, Diego Luna Bazaldúa, and Herbert P. Ginsburg
Developing Preservice Teachers' TPACK Through a Virtual Number Talks Field Experience: A Case Study
Nicole Fletcher and Audrey Meador
Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Enrique Galindo, Jill Newton, Nicole Fletcher, Caroline Ebby, and Beth Hulbert
*Updated as of 01/12/25.