
Books from 1984

Puyonearon los granos, Bosco Centeno

Nicaragua in perspective, Eduardo Crawley

Nicaragua under siege, Marlene Dixon and Susanne Jonas

El Vaticano y la administración Reagan : convergencias en Centroamérica, Ana María Ezcurra

Agresión ideológica contra la Revolución Sandinista. English; Ideological aggression against the Sandinista Revolution : the political opposition church in Nicaragua, Ana María Ezcurra, Elice Higginbotham, and Bayard Faithfull


Hearthstone 1984, Fairfield College Preparatory School


Fact Book 1984, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Fall 1984, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Spring 1984, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Summer 1984, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Winter 1984, Fairfield University


Graduate Programs (Communication, Education and Financial Management) - Course Catalog (1984-1985), Fairfield University


Manor 1984, Fairfield University


Undergraduate Course Catalog (1984-1985) - College of Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Nursing, Fairfield University

Integrating Women's Studies into the Curriculum: An Annotated Bibliography, Susan D. Franzosa and Karen A. Mazza

Cantos de amor y guerra, Gaspar García Laviana and Ernesto Cardenal

Bringing It Together (CD), Stephane Grappelli, Toots Thielemans, Martin Taylor, Brian Q. Torff, and Marc Fosset


Toward comprehensive case conceptualizations in counseling: A visual integrative technique, Diana Hulse and Martha L. Jennings

Sandino desconocido : el anticomunismo de Sandino, el antisandinismo de los comunistas, Armando Hurtado González

Free in Christ: The Challenge of Political Theology, Paul F. Lakeland

The Politics of Salvation: The Hegelian Idea of the State, Paul F. Lakeland


Review of "La metodologia del sapere nel sermone di S. Bonaventura `Unus est magister vester Christus'" by Renato Russo, O.F.M., R. James Long

Computer education of chemists, Peter Lykos, H. Saltsburg, Richard H. Heist, and T. Olsen


Group leader and member reactions to selected intervention statements: a comparison, D. Keith Morran and Diana Hulse

El Martirio del héroe : la muerte de Sandino : testimonio múltiple, Eduardo Pérez-Valle

La Insurrección de las paredes : pintas y graffiti de Nicaragua, Sergio Ramírez, Omar Cabezas, and Dora María Téllez

Te dió miedo la sangre? English; To bury our fathers : a novel of Nicaragua, Sergio Ramírez and Nick Caistor

Teatro para niños, Octavio Robleto

Filosofía y crisis, Alejandro Serrano Caldera


Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Schleiermacher’s Theological Encyclopedia: Doctinal Development and Theological Creativity, John E. Thiel

Apple II for Kids from 8 to 80, Michael Zabinski

Atari for Kids from 8 to 80, Michael Zabinski

Commodore for Kids from 8 to 80, Michael Zabinski

IBM Personal Computer for Kids from 8 to 80, Michael Zabinski and Francis H. Short

Books from 1983


Mirror - Vol. 06, No. 15 - January 27, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 06, No. 17 - February 10, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 06, No. 18 - February 17, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 06, No. 20 - March 03, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 06, No. 21 - March 10, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 06, No. 22 - March 31, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 01 - April 21, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 02 - April 28, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 03 - May 05, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 04 - September 7, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 06 - September 29, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 07 - October 06, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 08 - October 14, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 09 - October 20, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 10 - October 27, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 11 - November 11, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 12 - November 10, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 13 - November 17, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 14 - December 08, 1983


Mirror - Vol. 07, No. 5 - September 22, 1983

Lecciones de Sandino, Jorge Eduardo Arellano

Ministros de Dios, ministros del pueblo. English;"Ministers of God, ministers of the people : testimonies of faith from Nicaragua, Teófilo Cabestrero and Robert R. Barr

Revolucionarios por el evangelio : testimonio de 15 cristianos en el Gobierno Revolucionario de Nicaragua, Teófilo Cabestrero and Pedro Casaldaliga.

La montaña es algo más que una inmensa estepa verde, Omar Cabezas

Les prometo no morirme, Ahmed Campos

Poems. Selections;"antología", Ernesto Cardenal

Trascender los límites, Pablo Centeno-Gómez

Selections. 1983;"Un cauce hacia la democracia", Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Barrios

Contribución a la Revolución, Rafael Córdova Rivas

Conversando con José Coronel Urtecho, José Coronel Urtecho and Manlio Tirado

Sweet ramparts : women in revolutionary Nicaragua, Jane Deighton

La Sangre por el pueblo : nuevos mártires de América Latina, Departamento de Comunicación del Instituto Histórico Centroamericano

Agresión ideológica contra la Revolución Sandinista, Ana María Ezcurra


Hearthstone 1983, Fairfield College Preparatory School


Fact Book 1983, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Fall 1983, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Spring 1983, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Summer 1983, Fairfield University


Fairfield Now - Winter 1983, Fairfield University


Graduate Programs (Communication, Education and Financial Management) - Course Catalog (1983-1984), Fairfield University


Manor 1983, Fairfield University


Undergraduate Course Catalog (1983-1984) - College of Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Nursing, Fairfield University

Fe en la Revolución--Revolución en la cultura, Giulio Girardi and Cordelia Dilg


Microcomputers in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum, Part 4: Microcomputer aided instrumentation, D. Graves, Richard H. Heist, T. Olsen, and H. Saltsburg

En mí y no estando : antología poética, Ernesto Gutiérrez


U.S.--American Value Orientations. Cultural Monograph No. 4. Bilingual Multicultural Education Training Project for School Psychologists and Guidance Counselors, Clemens L. Hallman, Wayne W. Bryant, Anne E. Campbell, Joe McGuire, and Kay Bowman


Cuban Value Orientations. Cultural Monograph Number 1. Bilingual Multicultural Education Training Project for School Psychologists and Guidance Counselors., Clemens L. Hallman and Anne E. Campbell


Demography as social science and policy science, Dennis Hodgson

El Sandinismo : documentos básicos, Instituto de Estudio del Sandinismo.

El Papa en Nicaragua : análisis de su visita., Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y Africa.

The Dawning of Nicaragua., Instituto de Información de Centroamérica y del Caribe (Managua, Nicaragua)

Pasado, presente y futuro de la libertad de expresión en Nicaragua, Manuel Jirón

Economía y sociedad en la construcción del estado en Nicaragua, Alberto Lanuza

Diaspora: Exile and the Jewish Condition, Etan Levine and Dorothea D. Braginsky


Multiplexed Image Tracking, Douglas A. Lyon

Prosa política y poemas ; "No pararemos de andar jamás", Ricardo Morales Avilé


Microcomputers in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum, Part 3: Process Control and the Microcomputer, T. Olsen, H. Saltsburg, and Richard H. Heist

Ante el Consejo de Estado : [To the Council of State], Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Carlos Nuñez Tellez

Poemas de un joven, Joaquín Pasos

Edén Pastora : una vida en busca de la libertad, Edén Pastora Gómez and Gladis Miranda Arellano


Physical and chemical methods, Robert W. Peters, Thomas J. Walker, Young Ku, Bruce W. Berdanier, Tsun-Kuo Chang, and Douglas Freund

Balcanes y volcanes y otros ensayos y trabajos, Sergio Ramírez

Selections. 1983;"El alba de oro : la historia viva de Nicaragua", Sergio Ramírez

Cristianos en la Revolución Nicaragüense. English; Christians in the Nicaraguan revolution, Margaret Randall and Mariana Valverde

Maldito país, José Román

The Nicaragua reader : documents of a revolution under fire, Peter Rosset and John Vandermeer