
Submissions from 1999


Review of "St. Thomas Aquinas, Vol. 1, The Person and his Work" by Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P.,tr. Robert Royal, R. James Long


The Integrative Theology of Richard Fishacre OP, R. James Long

The Life and Works of Richard Fishacre OP. Prolegomena to the Edition of his Commentary on the `Sentences', R. James Long and Maura O'Carroll SND


Adopting Java for image processing: answers to some key questions, Douglas A. Lyon

Image Processing in Java, Douglas A. Lyon


Students' Views of the Ethical Implications of the Laws of Contract Damages, Arthur M. Magaldi

The 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga: Economy, Population, and Agriculture, 2 vols., Brent A. Mai

From without the Flaminian Gate : 150 years of Roman Catholicism in England and Wales: 1850-2000, V. Allen McClelland, Michael Hodgetts, and Jeffrey P. von Arx S.J.


Tales From Outside the Crypt or Why Death Can Be Emotionally Distressing, Sharlene A. McEvoy


The dual nature of community variability, Fiorenza Micheli, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Jordi Bascompte, Ottar N. Bjørnstad, Ginny L. Eckert, Janet M. Fisher, Timothy H. Keitt, Bruce E. Kendall, Jennifer L. Klug, and James A. Rusak

Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships within Multicultural Organizations, Audrey J. Murrell, Faye J. Crosby, Robin J. Ely, Donald E. Gibson, and D. I. Cordova


Development and validation of the Corrective Feedback Self-Efficacy Instrument, Betsy J. Page and Diana Hulse


The Moment of Modernism: Schopenhauer’s ‘Unstable Phantom’ in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Stevenson’s The Master of Ballantrae, Nels C. Pearson


AOP2 (Antioxidant Protein 2): Structure and Function of a Unique Thiol-Specific Antioxidant, Shelley A. Phelan

Biografía y otros documentos originales relativos a Miguel Larreynaga, Manuel Pineda de Mont and Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim.


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: Are All the Religions the Same?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: Do You Think Human Beings Would Be Religious if They Were Never Going to Die?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: How Should a Student Approach the Study of Religion?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: How Would You Describe Your Approach to Theology?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: Is it Possible to Define Religion?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: Is Judaism a Sexist Tradition?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: There is So Much Evil in the World, How Can a God Exist?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What Advice Would You Give Students Regarding Their Study of Religion?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What Has Most Influenced Your Scholarship?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What is the Biggest Obstacle to Teaching Theology?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What is the Major Concern of Your Work?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What is the Role of Feminist Theology Today?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What is the Role of Theology in the Jewish Tradition?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Dr. Judith Plaskow Engages with the Question: What is the Starting Point for Your Theological Work?, Judith Plaskow and Alfred Benney


Assessing the post-1992 European experience: Perspectives of US and European logistics executives, Richard F. Poist, Carl A. Scheraga, and Janjaap Semeijn


Managerial Decision Making Regarding Alternative Work Arrangements, G. N. Powell and Lisa A. Mainiero

Adiós muchachos : una memoria de la Revolución sandinista, Sergio Ramírez


Autobiographical Fiction vs. Fictional Autobiography: Christa Wolf's Kindheitsmuster and J. M. Coetzee's Foe, Walter Rankin


Caldwell's Tobacco Road, Walter Rankin


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: How Should a Student Approach the Study of Religion?, Martha Reineke


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: Can You Prove the Existence of God?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: Do You Have a Final Comment?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: Do You Think Humans Would Be Religious If They Were Never Going to Die?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: Do You Think Humans Would Be Religious If They Were Never Going to Die (cont.)?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: How Do You Define Religion?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: How Do You Respond to the Claim: “All Religions Are the Same, They Just Use Different Symbols”?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: How Should a Student Approach the Study of Religion [cont.]?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: What Are Your Major Interests as a Scholar?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: What do Proofs of the Existence of God Offer to Religious Believers?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Dr. Martha Reineke Engages with the Question: What Influenced Your Choice to Be a Scholar of Religion?, Martha Reineke and Alfred Benney


Statesmanship Without a State: The Life and Legacy of Chaim Weizmann, Jehuda Reinharz


Luisa DeLauro and Daughter, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Anthony Riccio


Maryanne Santocroce and Mother Antonette Coppola, Anthony Riccio


Mary Ginnetti, in her Kitchen in the Annex, Anthony Riccio


Rose Gherardi, Artist at Work in her Studio, Hamden, Anthony Riccio


Salvatore "Gary" Garibaldi, at the Santa Maria Maddalena Society, Wooster Street, Anthony Riccio

The Jukebox Queen of Malta, Nicholas Rinaldi


Review of "Jews in Germany after the Holocaust: Memory, Identity, and Jewish-German Relations" by Lynn Rapaport, Gavriel D. Rosenfeld


The Controversy that Isn't: The Debate over Daniel J. Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners in Comparative Perspective, Gavriel D. Rosenfeld


The Politics of Uniqueness: Reflections on the Recent Polemical Turn in Holocaust and Genocide Scholarship, Gavriel D. Rosenfeld


Scholars, Scandals & Scrolls: The Dead Sea Scrolls & the History of Judaism and Christianity, Lawrence H. Schiffman

Dharmakirti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy--Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dharmakirti and Pramana, Katsuru Shoryu and Ronald M. Davidson


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: How Can God Exist With so Much Evil in the World?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: How Do You Respond to the Opinion That All Religions are the Same?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: How Should a Student Approach the Study of Religion?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: Is it Possible to Prove the Existence of a Supreme Being?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: Is There a Significant Outcome to the Study of Religion?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: What is Your Biggest Concern Regarding the Study of Religion?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: What Led You to the Study of Religion?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: Who Most Influenced Your Approach to the Study of Religion?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: Why Should People be Interested in Studying Religion?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Ninian Smart Engages with the Question: Would People Be Religious if They Were Never Going to Die?, Ninian Smart and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: Are There Multiple Deities?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: Are You A Student of Religion or a Theologian?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: Do You Have A Unique Philosophy for Scholarship and Teaching?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: Do You Think People Would Be Religious If They Were Never Going to Die?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: How Can A God Exist When There is So Much Evil in the World?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: How Do You Respond to the Idea That All Religions Are The Same?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: How Has Television Influenced the Study of Religion?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: How Would You Define Religion?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: Is it Possible To Prove The Existence of God?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: What Do You Think is the Most Significant Question In Religion?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: What is More Important The Question or Answers?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: What Led You to Become a Scholar Interested In Religion?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Dr. Jonathan Z. Smith Engages with the Question: What Religious Issue Most Interests You?, Jonathan Z. Smith and Alfred Benney


Entretien avec Maryse Condé: de l'identité culturelle, Marie-Agnès Sourieau


Microscopic origins of heliclinic phases in smectic liquid crystals, Jonathan J. Stott and Rolfe G. Petschek


Twist modulated phases in chiral smectic liquid crystals, Jonathan J. Stott and Rolfe G. Petschek


Eating Disorders in a National Sample of Hospitalized Female and Male Veterans: Detection Rates and Psychiatric Comorbidity, Ruth H. Striegel-Moore, Vicki Garvin, Faith-Anne Dohm Ph.D., and Robert A. Rosenheck


Psychiatric comorbidity of eating disorders in men: A national study of hospitalized veterans, Ruth H. Striegel-Moore, Vicki Garvin, Faith-Anne Dohm Ph.D., and Robert A. Rosenheck


In Hitler's Shadow: An Israeli's Amazing Journey Inside Germany's Neo-Nazi Movement, Yaron Svoray


Quantification of Process Parameters in a Wood Sanding Operation, James B. Taylor, Andres L. Carrano, and Richard L. Lemaster


Perspectives on Tradition, John E. Thiel

State of the Union (CD), Brian Q. Torff, Paul Wertico, and Laurence Hobgood


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: Does “Evil” Disprove God’s Existence?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: Do You Have a Final Comment?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: How Do You Answer “The Problem of Evil”?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: How Do You Define Religion?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: How Do You Respond to Those Who Say All Religions are the Same?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: What Concerns Do You Have about Present-Day Understandings of God?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: What Contributions Do You Think American Catholic Theologians Have Made to the Church at Large?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: What do You Believe is the Significance of the Second Vatican Council?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: What is the Greatest Concern for Your Work?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: What is the Most Important Theological Discussion Going on Today for the American Church?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney


Rev. Dr. David Tracy Engages with the Question: What is Your Scholarly Background?, David Tracy and Alfred Benney